Stacked Area chart
Star InactiveStar InactiveStar InactiveStar InactiveStar Inactive

Plots data in order and stacked by category. Joins data with lines and a filled area below.

Track changes or trends over time.

100% Stacked Area option is also available.

Area chart
Star InactiveStar InactiveStar InactiveStar InactiveStar Inactive

Plots data in order and joins with a line and a filled area below.

Track changes or trends over time.

2D and 3D options are available.

Combo Column Line chart
Star InactiveStar InactiveStar InactiveStar InactiveStar Inactive

Plots data in vertical columns and a line.

Make comparisons between discrete categories.

Enables charting of values from diverse data sets.

REPLACE function
Star InactiveStar InactiveStar InactiveStar InactiveStar Inactive

Replace part of a text string based on its position with new text.

REPLACE(old_text, start_num, num_chars, new_text)

Waterfall chart
Star InactiveStar InactiveStar InactiveStar InactiveStar Inactive

Plots data as a series of color-coded, positive and negative floating columns.

Also known as a bridge chart, shows the impact of additions and subtractions to an initial value.

Useful for visually displaying running totals.

Pie chart
Star InactiveStar InactiveStar InactiveStar InactiveStar Inactive

Plots data proportional to the sum of items.

Data points shown as a percentage of the whole.

2D and 3D options are available.

Bar of pie chart
Star InactiveStar InactiveStar InactiveStar InactiveStar Inactive

Plots data proportional to the sum of items.

Data points shown as a percentage of the whole.

Smaller values displayed in a secondary bar chart.

Star InactiveStar InactiveStar InactiveStar InactiveStar Inactive

Replace one or many instances of specific text based on its content (not on its position).

SUBSTITUTE(text, old_text, new_text, [instance_num])

XLOOKUP function
Star InactiveStar InactiveStar InactiveStar InactiveStar Inactive

Lookup values in vertical or horizontal ranges

=XLOOKUP(lookup_value, lookup_array, return_array, [if_not_found], [match_mode], [search_mode])

2D Line chart
Star InactiveStar InactiveStar InactiveStar InactiveStar Inactive

Plots data in order and joins with a 2D line.

Track changes or trends over time.

3D option is also available.

100 Stacked Line chart
Star InactiveStar InactiveStar InactiveStar InactiveStar Inactive

Plots data in order and joins with lines stacked by category to represent 100%.

Track changes or trends over time.

Stacked Line option is also available.

Star InactiveStar InactiveStar InactiveStar InactiveStar Inactive

Convert text into lowercase, uppercase or capitalize the first letter in a string.

LOWER(text), UPPER(text), PROPER(text)

Combo Column Area chart
Star InactiveStar InactiveStar InactiveStar InactiveStar Inactive

Plots data in vertical columns and a filled area.

Make comparisons between discrete categories.

Enables charting of values from diverse data sets.

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Learn how to master functions, charts, pivot tables and more using Excel for Microsoft Office 365. Simple instructions and embedded spreadsheets help you practise the basics.

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