VLOOKUP function
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Lookup values by row in a vertical table or range

=VLOOKUP (lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup])

Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts
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Plots data from a related Pivot Table. Available in all chart formats.

Includes Filters which can be changed either in the Pivot Chart or related Pivot Table.

Changes to either a Pivot Table or Pivot Chart will automatically be reflected in the other.

TEXTJOIN function
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Join two or more text strings together with a delimiter.

TEXTJOIN(delimiter, ignore_empty, text1, [text2], ...)

XLOOKUP function
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Lookup values in vertical or horizontal ranges

=XLOOKUP(lookup_value, lookup_array, return_array, [if_not_found], [match_mode], [search_mode])

AND function
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Return TRUE or FALSE statements based on testing multiple logical conditions

=AND(logical1, [logical2], ...)

YEAR, MONTH, DAY functions
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Return the year, month or day component of a date

=YEAR(serial_number), =MONTH(serial_number), =DAY(serial_number)

Stacked Bar chart
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Plots data in horizontal rows stacked by category.

Make comparisons between discrete categories.

2D and 3D options are available.

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Plots data across geographical regions onto a map.

Can be used with countries/regions, states, counties or postal codes.

Links to online geography data types to convert categories into recognized values.

Area chart
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Plots data in order and joins with a line and a filled area below.

Track changes or trends over time.

2D and 3D options are available.

RANDARRAY function
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Return an array of random decimal or integer numbers between specified values


Radar chart
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Plots data on a common axis radiating out from the center of the chart.

Useful for plotting responses to questionnaires or performance reviews.

Available in wireframe (with or without markers) or filled versions.

Stock (Open, High, Low, Close) chart
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Plots fluctuations in stock prices or other data.

Uses 4 series of values, in order: open, high, low, close.

Data needs to be organized in the correct order.

Bar chart
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Plots data in horizontal bars.

Make comparisons between discrete categories.

2D and 3D options are available.

SUMIFS function
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Sum (add) values in a range that meet multiple specific criteria.

SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2], ...)

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Learn how to master functions, charts, pivot tables and more using Excel for Microsoft Office 365. Simple instructions and embedded spreadsheets help you practise the basics.

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